Maximum json size for response to the browser Maximum json size for response to the browser jquery jquery

Maximum json size for response to the browser

There is no max size limit of the http response (or the max size of Int or the limit of browser or the limit of server have been configured).

The best approach is use AJAX to load part of data while it need to be shown.

An HTTP response has no size limit. JSON is coming as an HTTP response. So it has no size limit either.

There might be problem if the object parsed from JSON response consumes too much memory. It'll crash the browser. So it's better you test with different data sizes and check whether your app works correctly.

I think lazy-loading is the best approach for such large amounts of data. Especially when dealing with object literals.

See High Performance Ajax Application presentation from Yahoo.

Well I think I am too late to give my two cents. Complementing's answer browser memory is a limitation and HTTP response can have any amount of data according to the TCP spec.

But I have an application that uses Google Chrome (version 29.0.xx) and Jetty server where response from the Jetty server has a payload amounting to 335MB. While the browser is receiving the response of that sheer size Chrome stops leaving the message "IPC message is too big". Though this is specific to Google Chrome(not sure about other browsers), there should be a threshold on the max size of response.