MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function jquery jquery

MVC jQuery submit form (without page refresh) from JavaScript function

This is how I do that with jquery:

function DoAjaxPostAndMore(btnClicked){       var $form = $(btnClicked).parents('form');        $.ajax({            type: "POST",            url: $form.attr('action'),            data: $form.serialize(),            error: function(xhr, status, error) {                  //do something about the error             },            success: function(response) {                 //do something with response                LoadBooks();            }        });  return false;// if it's a link to prevent post}

I assumed that btnClicked is inside of the form:

<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="DoAjaxPostAndMore(this)"/>

if link:

  <a href="/url/something" onclick="return DoAjaxPostAndMore(this)">linktext</a>

If link is not inside for the form you just have to use jquery selectors to find it. You may set id to the form and then find form like this:

var $form = $("#theformid");

Is that Ajax.BeginForm that you need to use, not Html.BeginForm ?

Does your "onclick" JavaScript function execute and the problem is that full page submit/refresh happens as well? In this case the problem is that you don't end your JavaScript function with return false.

Or is the problem that your "onclick" JavaScript function isn't called at all? Then it's hard to say without looking at the code... If you use JQuery selector - then probably the link isn't picked by the selector