Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs jquery jquery

Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs

Another simple way to refresh a tab in jQuery is to use the load method:

$('#my_tabs').tabs('load', 0);

The numeric value is the zero based index of the tab you wish to refresh.

1) When defining your tabs that load ajax content, make sure to use a title attribute, which puts that value into the loaded div's id. In my case the title was "alert-tab". Otherwise the jquery generated div has an arcane id:

<li><a href="/alert/index" title="alert-tab">Alert</a></li>

2) Now use this inside whatever event you want to reload the tab:

var href = "/alert/index/";  $("#alert-tab").load(href);

You can simply remove the content of the tab that was clicked and reload it with the same content (or anything you want). For instance:

$( "#tabs" ).tabs({                                                                    activate:function(event,ui){     //Remove the content of the current tab    ui.newPanel.empty();    //load the file you want into current panel    ui.newPanel.load('content'+(ui.newTab.index()+1)+'.php');                                                   }                                                                          });

In this case, for example if the second tab is clicked, the panel is emptied and reloaded with content2.php