Remove the vertical line in the chart js line chart Remove the vertical line in the chart js line chart jquery jquery

Remove the vertical line in the chart js line chart

The following applies to Chart.js 2.*.

If you only have one x-axis, whether the vertical grid lines (that are related to this x-axis) are displayed or not, is specified by the boolean value of options.scales.xAxes[0].gridLines.display. To be more precise, the following chart options disable the display of vertical grid lines for the single x-axis case.

options : {    scales : {        xAxes : [ {            gridLines : {                display : false            }        } ]    }}

There's a new global option that was released with the new version of Chart.js two days ago.

var options = {    scaleShowVerticalLines: false}

options : {            scales: {                yAxes: [{                    gridLines: {                        lineWidth: 0,                        color: "rgba(255,255,255,0)"                    }                }]            }    };Charts.js v2.0