Reveal Modal with cookie to display only once Reveal Modal with cookie to display only once jquery jquery

Reveal Modal with cookie to display only once

Use the jquery-cookie plugin by carhartl.

Check for cookie before showing the modal. If it's present, don't display it. If it's not, store a new cookie and display modal.

$(document).ready(function() {    if ($.cookie('modal_shown') == null) {        $.cookie('modal_shown', 'yes', { expires: 7, path: '/' });        $('#myModal').reveal();    }});

Inspired on the code of mreq I created an auto-load using Foundation 5 that appears only after 3 seconds:

$(document).ready(function() {  if ($.cookie('modal_shown') == null) {      $.cookie('modal_shown', 'yes', { expires: 7, path: '/' });      setTimeout(function(){         $("#myModal").foundation('reveal', 'open');      }, 3000);   }});

Is the same code, but with 3s delay. :)

I had a similar scenario, to only display a jquery modal with dependency on the current day of the week. I utilized the dateJS plugin along with the jquery cookie plugin.

Here is my code:

$(document).ready(function () {/* We first check if the cookie is equal to null (doesn't exist), if so, we set the cookie to the current site path */    if($.cookie('modal') == null){        // Set the cookie        $.cookie('modal', 'yes', { path: '/' });        /* Now that the cookie is set once, load the specials */        // Load Monday's Specials        if( ){            $('#myModal-Monday').reveal();        }        // Load Tuesday's Specials        else if ( ){            $('#myModal-Tuesday').reveal();        }        else if( ){            $('#myModal-Wednesday').reveal();        }        else if( ){            $('#myModal-Thursday').reveal();        }        else if( ){            $('#myModal-Friday').reveal();        }        else if( ){            $('#myModal-Sunday').reveal();        }    }    // The cookie will delete when the browser-closes. Thus only displaying once on the site until the browser is closed});

So this way the modal is only displayed once during the users browser session and re-displayed only when the user closes/re-opens the browser.

Any feedback on how to optimize would be great!