scrollTo function jQuery is not working scrollTo function jQuery is not working jquery jquery

scrollTo function jQuery is not working

Try this

$("#clickme").click(function() {    $('html, body').animate({        scrollTop: $("#wrap2").offset().top    }, 2000);    return false;});


/** ScrollToElement 1.0* Copyright (c) 2009 Lauri Huovila, Neovica Oy***  * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.*/(function($) {    $.scrollToElement = function($element, speed) {        speed = speed || 750;        $("html, body").animate({            scrollTop: $element.offset().top,            scrollLeft: $element.offset().left        }, speed);        return $element;    };    $.fn.scrollTo = function(speed) {        speed = speed || "normal";        return $.scrollToElement(this, speed);    };})(jQuery);

 $("#your-div")[0].scrollTo(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);