Server side pagination using DataTables plugin Server side pagination using DataTables plugin jquery jquery

Server side pagination using DataTables plugin

enter image description here

Pagination works total displayed record you need to perform following minimum changes.

"iTotalDisplayRecord" will be total filtered records

This looks up your alley ->'s purely client-side

Though, as far as I know, the only way to achieve actual pagination (making it faster because you're only fetching 15 records from the database at a time) is by ajax-ing with your server side (i.e.

It doesn't look to me like you're doing that. Unless... self.accountCollection.getData() is an ajax callback, but in any case when you instantiate the DataTable you should use "ajax: tableData" not "aaData: tableData".

You may be confusing the JSON that datatables returns, with the datatables API that you use to interact/initialize with the datatable.

Sorry, that was a bit much lol does any of that make sense?