Set window.location with TypeScript Set window.location with TypeScript jquery jquery

Set window.location with TypeScript

window.location is of type Location while .attr('data-href') returns a string, so you have to assign it to window.location.href which is of string type too. For that replace your following line:

window.location = $link.attr('data-href');

for this one:

window.location.href = $link.attr('data-href');

you have missed the href:

Standard, To use window.location.href as window.location is technically an object containing:

Propertieshash host hostnamehref    <--- you need thispathname (relative to the host)port protocol search 


 window.location.href = $link.attr('data-href');

Just add href

Like this:

window.location.href = $link.attr('data-href');