switch audio source with jquery and HTML5 audio tag switch audio source with jquery and HTML5 audio tag jquery jquery

switch audio source with jquery and HTML5 audio tag

Your change function should be like this:

function change(sourceUrl) {    var audio = $("#player");          $("#ogg_src").attr("src", sourceUrl);    /****************/    audio[0].pause();    audio[0].load();//suspends and restores all audio element    //audio[0].play(); changed based on Sprachprofi's comment below    audio[0].oncanplaythrough = audio[0].play();    /****************/}

The problems were audio.empty() and the audio var. You were attempting to append an emptied audio tag, and didn't write out the audio tag back to the browser.

You might also want to rename the function since 'change' is already a function in the jQuery universe.