touchend event properties touchend event properties jquery jquery

touchend event properties

Actually, released touches will be found in the changedTouches array, ie:

e.changedTouches[0].pageX // get the end x page coordinate for a released touch

I think this is slightly more reliable than going through the originalEvent property.

You can read more on changedTouches here:

The touches property is an TouchList object. You can see the TouchList class reference here.

If you monitor its length property with this example code on #log div:

$('#element').bind('touchstart', function(event) {    $('#log').append(event.originalEvent.touches.length+'<br/>');});$('#element').bind('touchmove', function(event) {    $('#log').append(event.originalEvent.touches.length+'<br/>');});$('#element').bind('touchend', function(event) {    $('#log').append(event.originalEvent.touches.length+'<br/>');});

you will obtain 1 while executing touchstart and touchmove, an 0 when executing touchend. That is why you obtain undefined from e.touches[0].