Typeahead.js - Search in multiple property values Typeahead.js - Search in multiple property values jquery jquery

Typeahead.js - Search in multiple property values

Typeahead 0.10.3 added "support to object tokenizers for multiple property tokenization."

So, your example becomes

var posts = new Bloodhound({    datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('title', 'desc'),    queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,    local: data});

However, I don't think this will work for properties nested inside, that is, the data.category object in your case.

As a side note, if you are using prefetched data, be sure to clear the local storage first, otherwise the new tokenizer won't take effect (Because datumTokenizer is used when adding to the search index, and if data is already present in localStorage, then the search index will not be updated). I was stuck on this for a while!

return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(data.title) returns an array of strings.

So, instead of returning that value: save it (and your other desired values), then concatenate them and return that value...

x = Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(data.title);y = Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(data.desc);z = Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(data.category[i].name);return x.concat(y).concat(z);

I've implemented a solution here:


As you have a local datasource you need to create individual datasets to enable you to match on multiple data properties. e.g.

$('#search-input').typeahead({    highlight: true}, {    name: 'titles',    displayKey: 'title',    source: titles.ttAdapter()}, {    name: 'descs',    displayKey: 'desc',    source: descs.ttAdapter()}, {    name: 'cats',    displayKey: 'name',    source: cats.ttAdapter()});