TypeError: stepUp called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement TypeError: stepUp called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement jquery jquery

TypeError: stepUp called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement

If search_term is an input field you might want to get its value.

var search_term = $(this).parents('.sub-middle-column').find('.search_horse').val();

Right now you are referencing a jQuery Object containing a HTMLDom-Element but I think what you want is the string inside the search input element.

TypeError: stepUp called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement comes when you forget # sign for(id) and . sign for class. when we can get value directly without . or # sign.

Wrong method:- var email = $('PHMC_email').val();

Correct Method:

-var email = $('#PHMC_email').val(); Orvar email = $('.PHMC_email').val();

$.ajax is not expecting a DOMElement of type HTMLInputElement in the object you are passing to data. Try just giving it the value of the field instead:

var wordid = $('.wordId').val();$.ajax({    url: "assigner.php",    type: "POST",    data: { wordid: wordid, assign: assign}}).done(function( e ) {    /*alert( "word was saved" + e );*/});