Using Moment.js to find a specific day of the current week's date Using Moment.js to find a specific day of the current week's date jquery jquery

Using Moment.js to find a specific day of the current week's date

this week's sunday


this week's monday


this week's saturday


difference between the current day to sunday


this week's wedesday

moment().startOf('week').add('days', 3)

Maybe a little late to the party, but here's the proper way to do this, as in the documentation.

moment().day(1); // Monday in the current week

Also if in your locale it happens that the week starts with Monday and you wish to get a locally aware result, you can use moment().weekday(0). Here's the documentation for the moment().weekday(dayNumber) method.

It's not longer possible to use just a string (e. g. 'isoweek'), we need to use it like this:

import * as moment from 'moment';import { unitOfTime } from 'moment';moment().startOf('isoweek' as unitOfTime.StartOf);