Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery jquery jquery

Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery


Apparently calling addEventListener on the player object causes the script to be used as a string in an XML property that's passed to the flash object - this rules out closures and the like, so it's time for an old-school ugly hack:

function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {    var player = $('#'+playerId)[0];    player.addEventListener('onStateChange', '(function(state) { return playerState(state, "' + playerId + '"); })' );}function playerState(state, playerId) {    console.log(state);    console.log(playerId);}

Tested & working!

Im Using Jquery SWFobject plugin, SWFobject

It is important to add &enablejsapi=1 at the end of video


<div id="embedSWF"></div>


             $('#embedSWF').flash({                 swf: '',                params: { allowScriptAccess: "always"},                   flashvars: {enablejsapi: '1', autoplay: '0', allowScriptAccess: "always", id: 'ytPlayer' },                   height: 450,   width: 385 });function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {                $('#embedSWF').flash(function(){this.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onPlayerStateChange")});            }function onPlayerStateChange(newState) {                   alert(newState);                 }

onYouTubePlayerReady must be outside of $(document).ready(function() to get fired

I had this same problem and tried the accepted answer. This didn't work for me; the playerState() function was never called. However, it put me on the right path. What I ended up doing was this:

// Within my mediaController "class"window["dynamicYouTubeEventHandler" + playerID] = function(state) { onYouTubePlayerStateChange(state, playerID); }  embedElement.addEventListener("onStateChange", "dynamicYouTubeEventHandler" + playerID);// End mediaController class// Global YouTube event handlerfunction onYouTubePlayerStateChange(state, playerID) {  var mediaController = GetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(playerID);  mediaController.OnYouTubePlayerStateChange(state);}

It's fairly nasty, but so is the current state of the YouTube JavaScript API.

Here is some other helpful/nasty code if you are using any kind of advanced prototyping patterns. This basically allows you to retrieve a "class" instance from the YouTube player ID:

// Within my mediaController "class"// The containerJQElement is the jQuery wrapped parent element of the player ID// Its ID is the same as the player ID minus "YouTubeEmbed".var _self = this;'mediaController', _self);// End mediaController class// Global YouTube specific functionsfunction GetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(embedID) {        var containerID = embedID.replace('YouTubeEmbed', '');  var containerJQObject = $("#" + containerID);  return'mediaController');      }function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId) {  var mediaController = GetMediaControllerFromYouTubeEmbedID(playerId);  mediaController.OnYouTubeAPIReady();}