Webpack: how to make angular auto-detect jQuery and use it as angular.element instead of jqLite? Webpack: how to make angular auto-detect jQuery and use it as angular.element instead of jqLite? jquery jquery

Webpack: how to make angular auto-detect jQuery and use it as angular.element instead of jqLite?

Got this answer from john-reilly:
The mysterious case of webpack angular and jquery

bob-sponge's answer is not quite right - the Provide plugin is actually doing a text replacement on modules it processes, so we need to provide window.jQuery (which is what angular is looking for) and not just jQuery.

In your webpack.config.js you need to add the following entry to your plugins:

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({    "window.jQuery": "jquery"}),

This uses the webpack ProvidePlugin and, at the point of webpackification (© 2016 John Reilly) all references in the code to window.jQuery will be replaced with a reference to the webpack module that contains jQuery. So when you look at the bundled file you'll see that the code that checks the window object for jQuery has become this:

jQuery = isUndefined(jqName) ?  __webpack_provided_window_dot_jQuery : // use jQuery (if present)    !jqName ? undefined : // use jqLite    window[jqName]; // use jQuery specified by `ngJq`

That's right; webpack is providing Angular with jQuery whilst still not placing a jQuery variable onto the window. Neat huh?


Apparently you still need to use the commonJs require for angular in the ES6 example.

import $ from "jquery"window.$ = $;window.jQuery = $;var angular = require("angular");

below is the original answer

I want to purpose a easier solution. Just make jQuery a window global so that angular can recognize it:

var $ = require("jquery")window.$ = $;window.jQuery = $;var angular = require("angular");

or in your case (OUT DATED):

import $ from "jquery"window.$ = $;window.jQuery = $;import angular from "angular";

I hope this helps :)

In your case is better to use ProvidePlugin. Just add this lines to your webpack config in plugins section and jquery will available in your app:

    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({         "$": "jquery",         "jQuery": "jquery"    })