What is the difference between .catch and .fail in jQuery? What is the difference between .catch and .fail in jQuery? jquery jquery

What is the difference between .catch and .fail in jQuery?

catch and fail are slightly different, in that catch will return a new (resolved) promise, whereas fail will return the original promise.

// This will only output "fail"$.Deferred()  .reject(new Error("something went wrong"))  .fail(function() {    console.log("fail");  })  .then(function() {    console.log("then after fail");  })
// This will output "catch" and "then after catch"$.Deferred()  .reject(new Error("something went wrong"))  .catch(function() {    console.log("catch");  })  .then(function() {    console.log("then after catch");  })

Note that catch(fn) is an alias of then(null, fn).

So I think the major difference is what you get out of each.

A catch allows you to run a single function.

A fail allows you to run a number of functions.

Other than that I concur with your findings. They are very similar.

I added an example code to showcase how fail will run both functions, and the catch will only run the one.

 $.ajax({            url: "abc"        }).done(function (data) {        }).fail(function () {            alert("a");        }, function () {            alert("b");        })                .catch(function () {                    alert("c");                }, function () {                    alert("d");                });

If you run this you get 'a','b','c' and then 'd' doesn't run.

I hope this simple example showcases the difference.