A better alternative to Jersey/Jackson for building JSON REST APIs? [closed] A better alternative to Jersey/Jackson for building JSON REST APIs? [closed] json json

A better alternative to Jersey/Jackson for building JSON REST APIs? [closed]

Jersey can serialize POJOs to JSON without any annotations using Jackson. You configure this by setting the JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING property to true.

In web.xml, add the following servlet init parameter:

<init-param>    <param-name>com.sun.jersey.api.json.POJOMappingFeature</param-name>    <param-value>true</param-value></init-param>

See the Jersey documentation

I highly recommend JBoss RESTEasy for the REST API. I've used it on a couple of projects and found it to be trivial to setup. It also integrates nicely with Spring if you need that.

I have used both Jackson and Gson for the JSON support with RESTEasy and it is quite simple. All you do is annotate a POJO with JAXB annotations and include the proper libraries.

Another really great part of RESTEasy is the good support for multipart form data. They provide an @MultipartForm annotation which allows you to bind a multipart form to a POJO without writing any code...works slick.

I would advise against Spring MVC for REST because it is not JAX-RS compliant. Using a JAX-RS compliant interface gives you a little bit better portability if you decide to switch to a different implementation down the road.

for converting json to pojos : gson and jackson . For Restful I'd use spring, or restlet.