Absolute Image Paths in Gatsby JSON Absolute Image Paths in Gatsby JSON json json

Absolute Image Paths in Gatsby JSON

You can use createNodeField on any type of nodes, not just markdown remark.

If you set up gatsby-config.js like the following:

{  resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,  options: {    path: `${__dirname}/content/meta`, <-- folder name is used to create node type name, i.e `MetaJson`    name: `meta`, <-- doesn't affect json node's type name  },},`gatsby-transformer-json`,

You can then transform them in gatsby-node.js just like how you would do it with MarkdownRemark node.

exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions }) => {  const { createNodeField } = actions  if (node.internal.type === `MetaJson`) {    const relativePath = ...    createNodeField({      node,      name: `foo`,      value: relativePath,    })  }}

You can also pass in additional options into gatsby-transformer-json to have more fine grain control of the json nodes' internal type name.

And just like with markdown transformed by gatsby-transformer-remark, jsons transformed by gatsby-transformer-json also attach a child node onto its parent File node:

{  file( sourceInstanceName: { eq: "meta" } ) {    dir    childMetaJson {      fields {        foo      }    }  }}