Adding Json.Net to a Unity3D project Adding Json.Net to a Unity3D project json json

Adding Json.Net to a Unity3D project

I had just the same problem in Visual Studio 2015. But Utamaru's solution worked for me.

Make a folder: Assets/Plugins where you put the *.dll file and add it as a reference.

To add a reference you highlight the Analyzers in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio and under Project > Add Reference you can find your *.dll file located in Assets/Plugin by browsing to it.

Add reference in Visual Studio 2015 part 1Add reference in Visual Studio 2015 part 2

For support in built versions, recommended to use one of following

Or if you dont require Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET), here's some other alternatives (all works in Unity, I've omitted libraries that don't, and there's a lot of 'em):

There is quite the table of candy to select from. Choose well young padawan~

Use simpleJson. Its free and gets the work done.

Copy the SimpleJSON.cs contents into a newly created file in your project and you're ready to go. If you want to be fancy -> create this new file in assets\plugins directory