Angular 2 pipe that transforms JSON object to pretty-printed JSON Angular 2 pipe that transforms JSON object to pretty-printed JSON json json

Angular 2 pipe that transforms JSON object to pretty-printed JSON

I would like to add an even simpler way to do this, using the built-in json pipe:

<pre>{{data | json}}</pre>

This way, the formatting is preserved.

I would create a custom pipe for this:

@Pipe({  name: 'prettyprint'})export class PrettyPrintPipe implements PipeTransform {  transform(val) {    return JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)      .replace(' ', ' ')      .replace('\n', '<br/>');  }}

and use it this way:

@Component({  selector: 'my-app',  template: `    <div [innerHTML]="obj | prettyprint"></div>  `,  pipes: [ PrettyPrintPipe ]})export class AppComponent {  obj = {    test: 'testttt',    name: 'nameeee'  }}

See this stackblitz:

As this is the first result on google, let me add a quick sum up:

  • if you only need to print JSON without proper formatting, the build-in json pipe suggested by Shane Hsu works perfectly: <pre>{{data | json}}</pre>

  • however, if you want to have a different output, you will need to create your own pipe as Thierry Templier suggested:

    1. ng g generate pipe prettyjson
    2. in prettyjson.pipe.ts:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';@Pipe({  name: 'prettyjson'})export class PrettyjsonPipe implements PipeTransform {  transform(value: any, ...args: any[]): any {    return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)    .replace(/ /g, ' ') // note the usage of `/ /g` instead of `' '` in order to replace all occurences    .replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); // same here  }}
  1. Finally, and because we return HTML content, the pipe must be used inside an innerHTML function:
<div [innerHTML]="data | prettyjson"></div>