Angular2 parsing from JSON to object Angular2 parsing from JSON to object json json

Angular2 parsing from JSON to object

It's because in Angular tutorial, json is in the data property.

As stated in the tutorial

Make no assumptions about the server API. Not all servers return an object with a data property.

If you are not wrapping your json with any property you can just use

private extractData(res: Response) {  let body = res.json();  return body || { }; //<--- not wrapped with data}


Component code

 onSearch(terms: string) {, terms).subscribe(      (response: SearchResponse) => {    // <--- cast here             console.log(response);       },      error => {          console.log(JSON.stringify(error));      },      () => { }    ); }

I am quite late to this topic but found my self into the same issue . I am learning Angular and want to convert JSON received from HTTP server to my model object .

Service Class

var ele:User;let k=this.http.get<User>(url).subscribe(data => {                                            ele=data;                                            console.log(ele.count);                                            console.log(ele.results[0].first_name);                                            console.log(ele.results[0].profile.gender);                                            }                                          );

My Model for holding the information of JSON

export interface User{    count: string;    next: string;    previous: string;    results: Result[];}export interface Result{    pk: string;    first_name: string;    last_name: string;    profile:Profile;}export interface Profile{    pk: string;    gender:string;}

And this is it. I am using Angular 6 for parsing JSON to Object