AngularJs json URL changer AngularJs json URL changer json json

AngularJs json URL changer

First, create a "configurable" service :

app.factory('forecast', ['$http', function($http) {     var city;    var cities = {        amsterdam: 'Amsterdam,NL',        paris: 'Paris,FR'    };    var api_base_url = '';    var other_params = 'lang=NL_nl&units=metric';    return {        setCity: function(cityName){            city = cityName ;            console.log(city);        },        getWeather: function(cityName){          console.log(city);            if(cityName) this.setCity(cityName);            if (!city) throw new Error('City is not defined');            return $http.get(getURI());        }    }    function getURI(){        return api_base_url + '?' + cities[city] + '&' + other_params;    }}]);

Then you can create a controller like the following:

app.controller('forecastCtrl', ['$scope', 'forecast',function($scope,forecast){$ = 'amsterdam' ;    $scope.$watch('city',function(){      console.log($;      forecast.setCity($;    });$scope.getWeather = function(){  console.log('get weather');    forecast.getWeather()    .success(function(data){    console.log('success',data);    $scope.weatherData = data;    }).error(function(err){      console.log('error',err);      $scope.weatherError = err;     });    }; }]);

To implement a template as the following

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

<div data-ng-controller="forecastCtrl">  <form>    <label>      <input type="radio" name="city" data-ng-model="city" data-ng-value="'amsterdam'">Amsterdam    </label>    <br/>    <label>      <input type="radio" name="city" data-ng-model="city" data-ng-value="'paris'">Paris    </label>    <br/>    <button data-ng-click="getWeather()">Get Weather</button>  </form>    <p class="weather-data">    {{weatherData}}  </p>  <p class="weather-error">    {{weatherError}}  </p></div><script src=""></script><script src="script.js"></script>

You can view the code working here :

You can return a function in your factory. Define your forcast as

app.factory('forecast', ['$http', function($http) {  return {     query: function(city) {         return $http.get('' + city + '&lang=NL_nl&units=metric')         .success(function(data) {           return data;         })         .error(function(err) {           return err;         });     } };}]);

Then in your controller

forecast.query('Amsterdam,NL').success(function(data) {  $scope.weer = data;});

Change service code to have a dedicated method which you can call multiple times with different parameters (cities):

app.factory('forecast', ['$http', function($http) {    return {        load: function(location) {            return $http.get('' + location + '&lang=NL_nl&units=metric')            .success(function(data) {                return data;            })            .error(function(err) {                return err;            });        }    }}]);

Then in controller you would be able to load forecat for other locations when you need:

forecast.load('Amsterdam,NL').then(function(data) {    $scope. weer = data;});
