Any suggestions for how to format an RFC822 email as JSON? Any suggestions for how to format an RFC822 email as JSON? json json

Any suggestions for how to format an RFC822 email as JSON?

Not done it specifically, but the Mail gem includes a method for serializing methods to YAML, and also for parsing messages from YAML. It does this by constructing a Hash object and then serializing that object to JSON. That also means it should be easy to convert to JSON.

This would prolly look (ish) like this…

require 'json'module Mail  class Message    def to_json(opts = {})      hash = {}      hash['headers'] = {}      header.fields.each do |field|        hash['headers'][] = field.value      end      hash['delivery_handler'] = delivery_handler.to_s if delivery_handler      hash['transport_encoding'] = transport_encoding.to_s      special_variables = [:@header, :@delivery_handler, :@transport_encoding]      ( - special_variables).each do |var|        hash[var.to_s] = instance_variable_get(var)      end      hash.to_json(opts)    end          endend   

From the Message#to_yaml method of mikel's Mail gem.

You could take a similar approach in any language. If you're using Ruby though, this would fit great with your existing tooling (the Mail gem).

You probably want some variant of something that lists the headers and body parts.

 {       headers: [          { name: value },          { name2: value}       ],       body: [           {                mime: type,               content: stuff           },           {           },           .           .           .           {           }       ]    }