Apply Jinja2 filter to every value in every rendered template Apply Jinja2 filter to every value in every rendered template json json

Apply Jinja2 filter to every value in every rendered template

Apply a recursive function to your context dict before you pass it to Jinja2.

For example, this function escape every string inside a dict prepending a \ to specific characters.

def escape_markdown(data):    if isinstance(data, dict):        return {key: escape_markdown(val) for key, val in data.items()}    elif isinstance(data, str):        return re.sub(r'([\\*_])', r'\\\1', data)    else:        return data

Personally, I use a helper function to render my templates, which inserts some handy variables as well as being usable for what you need. I understand it's not exactly what you're asking for, but hopefully it will still be useful.

def render_response(self, _template, **context):    # Renders a template and writes the result to the response.    import json, time    context['now']=int(time.time())    context['anything_you_want']=self.session['something']    for k in context:        context[k] = json.dumps(context[k])    rv = self.jinja2.render_template(_template, **context)    self.response.write(rv)