Array of objects javascript Array of objects javascript json json

Array of objects javascript

With your description, the best options is to speed process by caching elements.

var links = [];JG = jsonFile.generations;for (i = 0, endI = JG.length; i < endI ; i++) {    JGIN = JG[i].nodes;    for (j = 0, endJ = JGIN.length ; j < endJ ; j++) {        JGINJ = JGIN[j];        JGINJAS=JGINJ.after.stid;        JGINJBS=JGINJ.before.stid;        for (w = 0,  endW = JGINJAS.length; w < endW ; w++) {            links.push({                source: JGINJAS[w], target: JGINJBS[w], type:"medium"            });        }    }}

This reduce the needed time, but does not avoid the creation of the array of i*j*w objects.

Best option should be to change the code that manages the array, so it uses a callback to get the element, and use this callback to dinamically determine the element in the json hierarchy that is required.