Best way to render boolean data columns in jquery Best way to render boolean data columns in jquery json json

Best way to render boolean data columns in jquery

I answered my own question :-) it's actually very simple:

var simple_checkbox = function ( data, type, full, meta ) {    var is_checked = data == true ? "checked" : "";    return '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" ' +        is_checked + ' />';}var setup_datatable = function () {    $('#data-table').DataTable({        "columns": [            { "data": "id", "className": "text-center"},            { "data": "keywords"},            { "data": "platform"},            { "data": "is_active", "render": simple_checkbox},            { "data": "is_terminated", "render": simple_checkbox}        ],        "ajax": "/data"    }); // DataTable}

Adding the disabled class will remove the function on the page but keep the look.

var simple_checkbox = function (data, type, full, meta) {             var is_checked = data == true ? "checked" : "";             return '<input type="checkbox" **class="checkbox disabled"** ' +                 is_checked + ' />';         }