Better way to return validation errors for nested models as json in Rails? Better way to return validation errors for nested models as json in Rails? json json

Better way to return validation errors for nested models as json in Rails?

Updated to have the same format as Rails nested params

render json: {  order: {    entries: @order.entries.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect{|entry, index|      {        index => {          id:,          errors: entry.errors.to_hash,          members: entry.members.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect{|member, index|            {               index => {                id:,                errors: member.errors.to_hash              }            } unless member.valid?          }.compact        }      } unless entry.valid?    }.compact  }}

You should get a JSON response like:

{  order: {    entries: [      0: {        id: 1, # nil, if new record        errors: {},        members: [          0: {            id: 7, # nil, if new record            errors: {              title: ["cant be blank"]            }          },          1: {            id: 13, # nil, if new record            errors: {              title: ["cant be blank"]            }          }        ]      }    ]  }}

P.S. Maybe others know a rails-integrated way of doing this. Otherwise, I would say this might be a good feature request for Rails in git.