bundle install failing on JSON gem: Failing to build gem native extension, Windows 7 bundle install failing on JSON gem: Failing to build gem native extension, Windows 7 json json

bundle install failing on JSON gem: Failing to build gem native extension, Windows 7

Seems like passing in the --version flag to fix compilation is true bug, as evidenced here.

To mimic this behaviour in bundler we can use bundle config:

You can use bundle config to give bundler the flags to pass to the gem installer every time bundler tries to install a particular gem.


After running this command, every time bundler needs to install the mysql gem, it will pass along the flags you specified.

Try running

bundle config build.json --versionbundle install

This should cause bundler to run gem install --verbose json

if you run gem install json --verbose -v '1.8.1' you are going to see how the compiler is failing because it is not finding some C modules.

Seems to be that re-installing your current ruby version (with these C headers) might be a possible solution

checking your current ruby version

ruby -v => ruby 2.5.8p224 (2020-03-31 revision 67882) [x86_64-darwin19]

re-install ruby with C modules (with rbenv)

CC=gcc rbenv install 2.5.8