C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type (Again) C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type (Again) json json

C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type (Again)

You could just use recursive_variant_ placeholder with make_recursive_variant.

Here's the gist:

using Value   = boost::make_recursive_variant<    Null,     String,     Integer,     Float,     Boolean,    std::unordered_map<Key, boost::recursive_variant_>, // Object    std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>              // Array>::type;using Object = std::unordered_map<Key, Value>;using Array = boost::variant<Value>;

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As you can see there's unimplemented bits in the code (never write functions missing return statements!). Also note the simplifications in control flow for get and the private visitor implementation.

#include <boost/variant.hpp>#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>#include <string>#include <unordered_map>#include <vector>class JSONDocument {  public:    struct Null { constexpr bool operator==(Null) const { return true; } };    using String  = std::string;    using Integer = long;    using Float   = double;    using Boolean = bool;    using Key     = std::string;    using Path    = std::string;    using Value   = boost::make_recursive_variant<        Null,         String,         Integer,         Float,         Boolean,        std::unordered_map<Key, boost::recursive_variant_>, // Object        std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_>              // Array    >::type;    using Object = std::unordered_map<Key, Value>;    using Array = boost::variant<Value>;  private:    Value root;    struct value_traversal_visitor {        Path path;        using result_type = Value;        result_type operator()(Value const &x) const {            if (path.empty()) {                return x;            }            return boost::apply_visitor(*this, x);        }        result_type operator()(Null)           const { throw std::invalid_argument("null not addressable"); }        result_type operator()(String const &) const { throw std::invalid_argument("string not addressable"); }        // special handling for Array and Object types TODO        template <typename T> result_type operator()(T &&) const { return Null{}; }    };  public:    Value get(Path path) { return value_traversal_visitor{path}(root); }};int main() {}


  • Note that you should NOT use void* for Null because all manner of unwanted implicit conversions
  • Note that you should probably not use unordered_map because

    • some JSON implementations allow duplicate property names
    • some JSON applications depend on the ordering of the properties

See also https://github.com/sehe/spirit-v2-json/blob/master/json.hpp#L37

Not a solution per se, but Here's a way to achieve variant recursivity using std::variant. I thought this might be of interest, since the stl doesn't provide any api for recursive, nor forward-declared types. Compiles using gcc 7.2 -std=c++17

#include <variant>#include <vector>#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;struct Nil {};struct vector1;using var_t1 = variant<Nil, int, vector1>;using var_t2 = variant<Nil, double, float, int, var_t1>;struct vector1 {     vector<var_t2> v_; };struct print_var_t2;struct print_var_t1 {    void operator()(const vector1& v);    void operator()(int) { cout << "int\n"; }    void operator()(const Nil&) { cout  << "nil\n"; }};struct print_var_t2 {    void operator()(const Nil&) { cout << "Nil\n"; }     void operator()(int)  { cout << "int\n"; }    void operator()(double) { cout << "double\n"; }    void operator()(float)  { cout << "float\n"; }    void operator()(const var_t1& v);};void print_var_t1::operator()(const vector1& v) {    for_each(v.v_.begin(), v.v_.end(), [](const var_t2& x)    {        visit(print_var_t2{}, x);    });}void print_var_t2::operator()(const var_t1& v) {    visit(print_var_t1{}, v);    }int main(){    vector1 v1;    v1.v_.push_back(.1);    v1.v_.push_back(2.f);    v1.v_.push_back(3);    v1.v_.push_back(var_t2{3});    var_t1 var1 = v1;    std::visit(print_var_t1{}, var1);    return 0;}