c++ nlohmann json - how to iterate / find a nested object c++ nlohmann json - how to iterate / find a nested object json json

c++ nlohmann json - how to iterate / find a nested object

Indeed, iteration does not recurse and there is no library function for this (yet). What about:

#include "json.hpp"#include <iostream>using json = nlohmann::json;template<class UnaryFunction>void recursive_iterate(const json& j, UnaryFunction f){    for(auto it = j.begin(); it != j.end(); ++it)    {        if (it->is_structured())        {            recursive_iterate(*it, f);        }        else        {            f(it);        }    }}int main(){    json j = {{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}, {"three", {"three.one", 3.1}}};    recursive_iterate(j, [](json::const_iterator it){        std::cout << *it << std::endl;    });}

The output is:
