CloudBlockBlob.DownloadTextAsync returns invalid text CloudBlockBlob.DownloadTextAsync returns invalid text json json

CloudBlockBlob.DownloadTextAsync returns invalid text

After further investigation, I found that the downloaded file has an extra Unicode formatting character at the start. I added the following code to just check for special characters at the beginning and remove them...

var startIndex = 0;while (char.GetUnicodeCategory(text, startIndex) == UnicodeCategory.Format){     startIndex++;}text = text.Substring(startIndex, text.Length - startIndex);

I have tested your code. It seems that this issue is not about your code. The following is my tested result with your code:

enter image description here


    public class People    {        [JsonProperty(PropertyName ="name")]        public string Name { get; set; }        [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "address")]        public string  Address { get; set; }    }

Json File:

{  "name": "jambor",  "address": "us"}

As Gaurav Mantri said, I would suggest you check your storage library. The version of my Azure storage library is 7.2.1. Please also set breakpoint at the code var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(text);. Then check the value of text. It may help you to find out the issue.