CMakeLists parse file CMakeLists parse file json json

CMakeLists parse file

As of CMake 3.19, you can use CMake to query and modify JSON strings using the string(JSON ...) command.

If you have a JSON file like this:

[   {      "name": "my_name",      "url": "my_url"   },   {      "name": "another_name",      "url": "another_url"   }]

you can read the file, and create CMake variables containing the names and URLs from the JSON file.

# Read the JSON file.file(READ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/myjson.json MY_JSON_STRING)# Loop through each element of the JSON array (indices 0 though 1).foreach(IDX RANGE 1)    # Get the name from the current JSON element.    string(JSON CUR_NAME GET ${MY_JSON_STRING} ${IDX} name)    list(APPEND MY_NAMES ${CUR_NAME})    # Get the URL from the current JSON element.    string(JSON CUR_URL GET ${MY_JSON_STRING} ${IDX} url)    list(APPEND MY_URLS ${CUR_URL})endforeach()message("MY_NAMES: ${MY_NAMES}")message("MY_URLS: ${MY_URLS}")

This CMake code prints:

MY_NAMES: my_name;another_nameMY_URLS: my_url;another_url

CMake does not provide an json or XML parser by itself. However you can use tool like jq or xmlstarlet.You can call the tools with execute_process or add_custom_command from CMake depending on your needs.

