Collapsible tree in R Collapsible tree in R json json

Collapsible tree in R

This collapsible tree looks really cool. My approach here is to first, create a graph using igraph. I was hoping there was already a function to convert an igraph to json, however, it looks like that is an issue on github that hasn't been implemented. So, here is a simple function to do that. Then, you can just plug the resulting data into the linked source and you have a collapsible tree.

## Read your datadat <- read.table(text="ID      Car Bus Train   Feedback_Car    Feedback_Bus    Feedback_Train23433   Yes Yes Yes     Toyota          GreyHound       Amtrak", header=TRUE)## Make an edgelist from your dataedges <- rbind(cbind(dat$ID, names(dat)[2:4]),               cbind(names(dat)[2:4], as.vector(t(dat[5:7]))))## Convert to a graph data structurelibrary(igraph)g <- graph_from_edgelist(edges)## This is the non-interactive versionplot(g, layout=layout.reingold.tilford(g, root='23433'))

enter image description here

## Recursive function to make a list of nodes to be parsed by toJSON## call it with 'node' as the root node (here '23433')f <- function(g, node, size=1000) {    n <- neighbors(g, node, mode='out')    if (length(n) == 0) return( list(name=node, size=size) )    children <- lapply(n$name, function(x) f(g, x, size))    list(name=node, children=children)}## Convert to jsonlibrary(jsonlite)json <- toJSON(f(g, '23433'), auto_unbox = TRUE)## I made a directory collapsible to store the index.html from the linked## site, as well as this data## For completeness, you should be able to run this to see the interactive results,## But, of course, this is creating files on your boxdir.create('collapsible')writeLines(json, 'collapsible/data.json')## Download the index.htmldownload.file("", "collapsible/index.html", method='curl')## Replace with the correct datatxt <- readLines('collapsible/index.html')txt[grepl("^d3.json", txt)] <- "d3.json('data.json', function(error, flare) {"writeLines(txt, 'collapsible/index.html')## Open in broweserbrowseURL(paste0('file://', normalizePath('collapsible/index.html')))

The results can also be seen here.

I read the csv and make the node JSON structure like below:

d3.csv("my.csv", function(error, data) {  var map1 = []  data.reduce(function(map, node) {    map1.push(node)    return node;  }, {});  root = {}; = map1[0].ID;  root.children = [];  var car = {    name: "Car",    children: [{      name: map1[0].Feedback_Car,      children: []    }]  };  root.children.push(car);  var bus = {    name: "Bus",    children: [{      name: map1[0].Feedback_Bus,      children: []    }]  };  root.children.push(bus);  var train = {    name: "Bus",    children: [{      name: map1[0].Feedback_Train,      children: []    }]  };  root.children.push(train);});

Working code here

Hope this helps!

I apologize for being so late. I think that you are looking for a solution in R, and not a solution that forces you to use outside code. Take advantage of the k3d3 package. is what want:

library(k3d3)library(RJSONIO)library(stringr)type <- c("Car", "Car", "Truck", "Truck", "Bus", "Bus")name <- c("Chevy", "Ford", "Chevy", "Ford", "Greyhound", "Holiday Express")size <- c(rep(3840,6))data <- data.frame(type, name, size)makeList<-function(x){    if(ncol(x)>2){        listSplit<-split(x[-1],x[1],drop=T)        lapply(names(listSplit),function(y){list(name=y,children=makeList(listSplit[[y]]))})    }else{        lapply(seq(nrow(x[1])),function(y){list(name=x[,1][y],Percentage=x[,2][y])})    }}jsonOut<-toJSON(list(name="23433",children=makeList(data)))jsonOut2 <- str_replace_all(jsonOut, "[\r\n]" , "")CTR(jsonOut2)

Picture of Tree with Data Provided