Conditional field requirement based on another field value in Jackson? Conditional field requirement based on another field value in Jackson? json json

Conditional field requirement based on another field value in Jackson?

You could use a custom deserializer to achieve it.

Defining your model

Your Example class would be like:

public class Example {    private String type;    private List<Integer> listA;    private List<Integer> listB;    // Getters and setters omitted    }

Creating a custom deserializer

Your custom deserializer could be as follwing:

public class ExampleDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<Example> {    private static final String TYPE_A = "A";    private static final String TYPE_B = "B";    public ExampleDeserializer() {        super(Example.class);    }    @Override    public Example deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)                    throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {        ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) p.getCodec();          JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(p);          Example example = new Example();        JsonNode typeNode = tree.get("type");        if (typeNode == null || typeNode.asText().isEmpty()) {            throw ctxt.mappingException("\"type\" is required");        }        example.setType(typeNode.asText());        switch (typeNode.asText()) {        case TYPE_A:            ArrayNode listANode = (ArrayNode) tree.get("ListA");            if (listANode == null || listANode.size() == 0) {                throw ctxt.mappingException(                           "\"ListA\" is required when \"type\" is \"" + TYPE_A + "\"");            }            example.setListA(createList(listANode));            break;        case TYPE_B:            ArrayNode listBNode = (ArrayNode) tree.get("ListB");            if (listBNode == null || listBNode.size() == 0) {                throw ctxt.mappingException(                           "\"ListB\" is required when \"type\" is \"" + TYPE_B + "\"");            }            example.setListB(createList(listBNode));            break;        default:            throw ctxt.mappingException(                       "\"type\" must be \"" + TYPE_A + "\" or \"" + TYPE_B + "\"");        }        return example;    }    private List<Integer> createList(ArrayNode arrayNode) {        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();        for (JsonNode node : arrayNode) {            list.add(node.asInt());        }        return list;    }}

Registering the custom deserializer

Register the custom deserializer defined above to your ObjectMapper:

SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule("ExampleDeserializer",         new Version(1, 0, 0, null, "com.example", "example-deserializer")); ExampleDeserializer exampleDeserializer = new ExampleDeserializer();module.addDeserializer(Example.class, exampleDeserializer);ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()                          .registerModule(module)                          .enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);

Testing your custom deserializer

Use the custom serializer:

String json = "{\"type\":\"A\",\"ListA\":[1,2,3]}";Example example = mapper.readValue(json, Example.class);

With Jackson you can create your own custom Deserializer for your Example POJO, extending StdDeserializer class and overriding the deserialize() method with your logic. Here you can check the type and the lists size.

Then, in order to use your custom Deserializer you have to add it to a SimpleModule and register tha latter with your Jackson ObjectMapper

I wrote a couple of articles times ago on this topic where you can find a concrete example about custom Serialization/Deserialization with Jackson:

Jackson: create and register a custom JSON serializer with StdSerializer and SimpleModule classes

Jackson: create a custom JSON deserializer with StdDeserializer and JsonToken classes