Convert JSON formated String to JsonObject with Jayrock Convert JSON formated String to JsonObject with Jayrock json json

Convert JSON formated String to JsonObject with Jayrock

Assuming json is the variable containing JSON text, use Jayrock.Json.Conversion.JsonConvert.Import(json). What you will get back in return is either a JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonNumber, System.String, System.Boolean or a null reference depending on the root JSON value in the source JSON text. If you know it is going to be a JSON object for sure then you can safely cast the return value or use JsonConvert.Import<JsonObject>(json).

I would discourage working against JsonObject directly unless you particularly depend on one of its features. You should just pretend the JSON object you get back is a dictionary; either IDictionary or IDictionary<string, object>. With the latest version for .NET Framework 4, you can also work with a JsonObject as a dynamic object.

I don't know Jayrock, but if you want to accept a JSON object as a parameter of Action in MVC2 than the easiest way to do it is by using JsonValueProviderFactory from Futures assembly.

It's part of System.Web.Mvc in MVC3.