Convert nested Json to flat Json with parentId to every node Convert nested Json to flat Json with parentId to every node json json

Convert nested Json to flat Json with parentId to every node

You could take an iterative and recursive approach by using a function which takes an array and a parent id for the actual level.

If a property starts with child, it calls the function again with the actual _id and pushes all items to the result set.

function getFlat(array, parentid) {    return array.reduce((r, o) => {        var temp = {};        r.push(temp);        Object.entries(o).forEach(([k, v]) => {            if (k.startsWith('child')) {                r.push(...getFlat(v, o._id));            } else {                temp[k] = v;            }        });        temp.parentid = parentid;        return r;    }, []);}var data = [{ child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild1", name: "Test222", _id: 2 }], child2: [{ _type: "EntityChild2", name: "Test333", _id: 3, child2_child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild2_1", name: "Test444", _id: 6, child2_child1_child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild2_1_1", name: "Test555", _id: 7 }] }] }], _type: "EntityParent", name: "Test000", _id: 1, child3: [{ _type: "EntityChild3", name: "Test111", _id: 4 }], child4: [{ _type: "EntityChild4", name: "Test666", _id: 5 }] }],    flat = getFlat(data, -1);console.log(flat);
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