Convert .txt file to JSON Convert .txt file to JSON json json

Convert .txt file to JSON

You can try to use tsv2json this tool can reads a tsv file from stdin and writes a json file to stdout.

It's distributed in source file, to compile it you need to download D compiler and then run dmd tsv2json.d.

If you have more complex task there is another tool named tsv-utils

TSV to JSON in nodejs

var file_name = 'city_list.txt';var readline = require('readline');var fs = require('fs');var lineReader = readline.createInterface({    input: fs.createReadStream(file_name)});var isHeader = false;var columnNames = [];function parseLine(line) {    return line.trim().split('\t')}function createRowObject(values) {    var rowObject = {};    columnNames.forEach((value,index) => {        rowObject[value] = values[index];    });    return rowObject;}var json = {};json[file_name] = [];lineReader.on('line', function (line) {    if(!isHeader) {        columnNames = parseLine(line);        isHeader = true;    } else {        json[file_name].push(createRowObject(parseLine(line)));    }});lineReader.on('close', function () {    fs.writeFileSync(file_name + '.json', JSON.stringify(json,null,2));});