Converting DateTime to a JSON string Converting DateTime to a JSON string json json

Converting DateTime to a JSON string

You have several problems here.

First, the toString() method in AbstractDateTime requires one or several arguments see here.

But I would advise you against this path and recommend using properly Spray-Json.

Spray-json does not know how to serialize Option[DateTime], therefore you have to provide a RootJsonFormat for it.

This is what I am doing.

implicit object DateJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[DateTime] {    private val parserISO : DateTimeFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis();    override def write(obj: DateTime) = JsString(parserISO.print(obj))    override def read(json: JsValue) : DateTime = json match {      case JsString(s) => parserISO.parseDateTime(s)      case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Error info you want here ...")    }  }

Adapt it as you want if you do not want to use ISO formatting.