create json from bash variable and associative array create json from bash variable and associative array json json

create json from bash variable and associative array

Assuming that none of the keys or values in the "animals" array contains newline characters:

for i in "${!animals[@]}"do  printf "%s\n%s\n"  "${i}" "${animals[$i]}"done | jq -nR --arg oldMcD "$mcD" --arg eei "$eei" '  def to_o:    . as $in    | reduce range(0;length;2) as $i ({};         .[$in[$i]]= $in[$i+1]);  {$oldMcD,    $eei,   onthisfarm: [inputs] | to_o}'

Notice the trick whereby {$x} in effect expands to {(x): $x}

Using "\u0000" as the separator

If any of the keys or values contains a newline character, you could tweak the above so that "\u0000" is used as the separator:

for i in "${!animals[@]}"do    printf "%s\0%s\0"  "${i}"  "${animals[$i]}"done | jq -sR --arg oldMcD "$mcD" --arg eei "$eei" ' def to_o:   . as $in   | reduce range(0;length;2) as $i ({};       .[$in[$i]]= $in[$i+1]);  {$oldMcD,    $eei,   onthisfarm: split("\u0000") | to_o }'

Note: The above assumes jq version 1.5 or later.

You can reduce associative array with for loop and pipe it to jq:

for i in "${!animals[@]}"; do    echo "$i"    echo "${animals[$i]}"done |jq -n -R --arg mcD "$mcD" --arg eei "$eei" 'reduce inputs as $i ({onThisFarm: [], mcD: $mcD, eei: $eei}; .onThisFarm[0] += {($i): (input | tonumber ? // .)})'