cURL download files issue cURL download files issue json json

cURL download files issue

The -O flag of curl tries to use the remote name of the file, but because your URL schema does not end with a filename, it can not do this. The -o flag (lower-case o) can be used to specify a file name manually without redirecting STDOUT like so:

curl <address> -o filename.json

You can manually construct the filename format you want using awk. For example:

URL=$(echo $URL | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-2)}')file_name="${file_number}_report.json"curl -L "$URL" -o "$file_name"

Hope this is more helpful.

wget --content-disposition did the trick for me (

$ wget --content-disposition to: 'lib32-glibc-2.33-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst'

Compare to curl:

$ curl -LO Remote file name has no length!curl: (23) Failed writing received data to disk/application

And wget without --content-disposition:

$ wget to: 'index.html'