D3 - accessing nested data for the purpose of creating a navigation tree D3 - accessing nested data for the purpose of creating a navigation tree json json

D3 - accessing nested data for the purpose of creating a navigation tree

Nick! Here is the complete code of an example that creates lists that you described in the question: (there might be a nicer code to do the same thing, but this code works and produces 100% what you said) (if course, this is only a starting point, you will naturally develop further real navigation)


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title>Navigation</title>    <script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>    <script src="script.js"></script></head><body onload="load()">    <h2>Navigation</h2>    <h4>(using D3.js-generated navigation items)</h4></body></html>


function load(){    object = {        class: "show", name: "Game of Thrones",        children : [            {                class: "family", name: "Starks",                children: [                    { class: "members", name: "Rob" },                    { class: "members", name: "Jon Snow" }                ],            },            {                class: "family", name: "Lannisters",                children: [                    { class: "members", name: "Ser Jaime"},                    { class: "members", name: "Cersei" }                ],            }                    ],    };    buildNav(null, object);    function buildNav(parent_ul, node){        var current_ul, current_li;        if(parent_ul == null)            parent_ul = d3.select("body").append("ul");        current_li = parent_ul.append("li").text(node.name);        if (node.children) {            current_ul = current_li.append("ul");              for (var i=0; i<node.children.length; i++) {                buildNav(current_ul, node.children[i]);             };        };    };};

This produces following page:

enter image description here

Hope this would help you.

Let me know if you have additional questions.