d3.js not reading JSON (d3.js + dc.js + crossfilter) d3.js not reading JSON (d3.js + dc.js + crossfilter) json json

d3.js not reading JSON (d3.js + dc.js + crossfilter)

Here is the solution:

You can replace this part of the code:

var data; d3.json("./pata.json", function(data) {  console.log(data[1]);  var ndx = crossfilter(data);


d3.json("./pata.json", function(data) {  console.log(data.Patatine);  data = data.Patatine  var ndx = crossfilter(data);

The error

Error: <path> attribute d: Expected number, "Mundefined,6V0Hun…".

comes from the way you read the json file.

In fact, just above your error, in the console, you probably see this:


which comes from console.log(data[1]); in:

var data; d3.json("./pata.json", function(data) {  console.log(data[1]);

The data of interest in your json (the list) is in fact data.Patatine. And thus to print data[1] you should in fact use data.Patatine[1]