DbGeography polygon to JSON DbGeography polygon to JSON json json

DbGeography polygon to JSON

First off, you probably don't want just any old JSON because there is a standard, GeoJSON.

You can use a NewtonSoft JsonConverter attribute like the following on your DbGeography:

  public class Foo  {      [JsonConverter(typeof(DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter))]      public DbGeography Polygon { get; set; }  }

You can convert an instance of Foo to JSON like:

var foo = new Foo { Polygon = DbGeography.FromText(                          "Polygon((22.3 77.4, 22.5 77.5, 22.7 77.5, 22.3 77.4))") };var jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(foo);

This should give you something like:


Now, the DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter class is a bit complicated and the one I provided below isn't really complete (here is a more complete version). It is good enough to consume any JSON it produces. Part of the complication comes from it being partially copy-pasted from other classes I have used to deal with geospatial well-known binary and well-known text.

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Data.Entity.Spatial;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;using AplPed.Common;using Newtonsoft.Json;using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;/// <summary>/// The <see cref="DbGeography"/> GeoJSON converter/// </summary>public class DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter : JsonConverter{    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary point value.    /// </summary>    private const int PointWkb = 1;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary line value.    /// </summary>    private const int LineStringWkb = 2;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary polygon value.    /// </summary>    private const int PolygonWkb = 3;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary multi-point value.    /// </summary>    private const int MultiPointWkb = 4;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary multi-line value.    /// </summary>    private const int MultiLineStringWkb = 5;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary multi-polygon value.    /// </summary>    private const int MultiPolygonWkb = 6;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary geometry collection value.    /// </summary>    private const int GeometryCollectionWkb = 7;    /// <summary>    /// Well-known-binary line value.    /// </summary>    private static readonly Dictionary<int, string> WkbTypes =     new Dictionary<int, string>    {        { PointWkb, "Point" },        { LineStringWkb, "LineString" },        { PolygonWkb, "Polygon" },        { MultiPointWkb, "MultiPoint" },        { MultiLineStringWkb, "MultiLineString" },        { MultiPolygonWkb, "MultiPolygon" },        { GeometryCollectionWkb, "GeometryCollection" }    };    /// <summary>    /// The types derived from <see cref="GeoBase"/> accessed by name.    /// </summary>    private static readonly Dictionary<string, Type> GeoBases =    new Dictionary<string, Type>    {        { "Point", typeof(Point) },        { "LineString", typeof(LineString) },        { "Polygon", typeof(Polygon) },        { "MultiPoint", typeof(MultiPoint) },        { "MultiLineString", typeof(MultiLineString) },        { "MultiPolygon", typeof(MultiPolygon) },        { "GeometryCollection", typeof(Collection) },    };    /// <summary>    /// Read the GeoJSON type value.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="jsonObject">    /// The JSON object.    /// </param>    /// <param name="coordinateSystem">    /// The coordinate System.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// A function that can read the value.    /// </returns>    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">    /// Unexpected JSON.    /// </exception>    /// <remarks>    /// Leaves the reader positioned where the value should start.    /// </remarks>    public static GeoBase ParseJsonObjectToGeoBase(JObject jsonObject, out int? coordinateSystem)    {        var type = jsonObject["type"];        if (type == null)        {            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expected a \"type\" property, found [{0}]", string.Join(", ", jsonObject.Properties().Select(p => p.Name))));        }        if (type.Type != JTokenType.String)        {            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expected a string token for the type of the GeoJSON type, got {0}", type.Type), "jsonObject");        }        Type geoType;        if (!GeoBases.TryGetValue(type.Value<string>(), out geoType))        {            throw new ArgumentException(            string.Format(            "Got unsupported GeoJSON object type {0}. Expected one of [{1}]",            type.Value<string>(),            string.Join(", ", GeoBases.Keys)),            "jsonObject");        }        var geoObject = geoType == typeof(Collection) ? jsonObject["geometries"] : jsonObject["coordinates"];        if (geoObject == null)        {            throw new ArgumentException(            string.Format(            "Expected a field named \"{0}\", found [{1}]",            geoType == typeof(Collection) ? "geometries" : "coordinates",            string.Join(", ", jsonObject.Properties().Select(p => p.Name))),            "jsonObject");        }        var crs = jsonObject["crs"];        coordinateSystem = crs != null ? ParseCrs(crs.Value<JObject>()) : null;        var geo = (GeoBase)Activator.CreateInstance(geoType);        geo.ParseJson(geoObject.Value<JArray>());        return geo;    }    /// <inheritdoc/>    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)    {        BinaryReader lebr;        BinaryReader bebr;        var geographyValue = value as DbGeography;        int coordinateSystemId;        if (geographyValue != null)        {            var br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(geographyValue.AsBinary()));            lebr = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? br : new ReverseEndianBinaryReader(br.BaseStream);            bebr = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? new ReverseEndianBinaryReader(br.BaseStream) : br;            coordinateSystemId = geographyValue.CoordinateSystemId;        }        else        {            var geometryValue = value as DbGeometry;            if (geometryValue != null)            {                var br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(geometryValue.AsBinary()));                lebr = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? br : new ReverseEndianBinaryReader(br.BaseStream);                bebr = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? new ReverseEndianBinaryReader(br.BaseStream) : br;                coordinateSystemId = geometryValue.CoordinateSystemId;            }            else            {                throw new ArgumentException(                string.Format("Expecting DbGeography or DbGeometry, got {0}", value.GetType().CSharpName()), "value");            }        }        var jsonObject = WriteObject(lebr, bebr);        jsonObject.Add(        "crs",        new JObject        {            new JProperty("type", "name"),            new JProperty(            "properties",            new JObject { new JProperty("name", string.Format("EPSG:{0}", coordinateSystemId)) })        });        writer.WriteRawValue(jsonObject.ToString(Formatting.None));    }    /// <inheritdoc/>    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)    {        // Load JObject from stream        JObject jsonObject = JObject.Load(reader);        // Create target object based on JObject        object target = CreateDbGeo(jsonObject, objectType);        // Populate the object properties        serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), target);        return target;    }    /// <inheritdoc/>    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)    {        return objectType == typeof(DbGeography) || objectType == typeof(DbGeometry);    }    /// <summary>    /// Parse the coordinate system object and return it's value.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="jsonObject">    /// The JSON object.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// The coordinate system value; null if couldn't parse it (only a couple EPSG-style values).    /// </returns>    private static int? ParseCrs(JObject jsonObject)    {        var properties = jsonObject["properties"];        if (properties != null && properties.Type == JTokenType.Object)        {            var p = properties.Value<JObject>();            var name = p["name"];            if (name != null)            {                var s = name.Value<string>();                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s))                {                    var m = Regex.Match(                    s,                    @"^\s*(urn\s*:\s*ogc\s*:\s*def\s*:crs\s*:EPSG\s*:\s*[\d.]*\s*:|EPSG\s*:)\s*(?<value>\d+)\s*$",                    RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);                    if (m.Success)                    {                        return int.Parse(m.Groups["value"].Value);                    }                }            }        }        return null;    }    /// <summary>    /// Get well known binary from a <see cref="JsonReader"/>.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="jsonObject">    /// The JSON object.    /// </param>    /// <param name="defaultCoordinateSystemId">    /// The default coordinate system id.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// A tuple of the well-known-binary and the coordinate system identifier.    /// </returns>    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">    /// Unexpected JSON.    /// </exception>    private static Tuple<byte[], int> GetWellKnownBinary(JObject jsonObject, int defaultCoordinateSystemId)    {        var ob = new MemoryStream();        int? coordinateSystemId;        var geoBase = ParseJsonObjectToGeoBase(jsonObject, out coordinateSystemId);        geoBase.WellKnownBinary(ob);        return new Tuple<byte[], int>(ob.ToArray(), coordinateSystemId.HasValue ? coordinateSystemId.Value : defaultCoordinateSystemId);    }    /// <summary>    /// Write a well-known binary object to JSON.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="lebr">    /// The little-endian binary reader.    /// </param>    /// <param name="bebr">    /// The big-endian binary reader.    /// </param>    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">    /// Unexpected well-known binary.    /// </exception>    /// <returns>    /// The <see cref="JObject"/> for the given binary data.    /// </returns>    private static JObject WriteObject(BinaryReader lebr, BinaryReader bebr)    {        var jsonObject = new JObject();        var br = lebr.ReadByte() == 0 ? bebr : lebr;        int gtype = br.ReadInt32();        string objTypeName;        if (!WkbTypes.TryGetValue(gtype, out objTypeName))        {            throw new ArgumentException(            string.Format(            "Unsupported type {0}. Supported types: {1}",            gtype,            string.Join(", ", WkbTypes.Select(kv => string.Format("({0}, {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value)))));        }        jsonObject.Add("type", objTypeName);        if (gtype == GeometryCollectionWkb)        {            var array = new JArray();            int count = br.ReadInt32();            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)            {                array.Add(WriteObject(lebr, bebr));            }            jsonObject.Add("geometries", array);        }        else        {            var array = new JArray();            switch (gtype)            {            case PointWkb:                array.Add(br.ReadDouble());                array.Add(br.ReadDouble());                break;            case LineStringWkb:                foreach (var a in WriteLine(br))                {                    array.Add(a);                }                break;            case PolygonWkb:                foreach (var a in WritePolygon(br))                {                    array.Add(a);                }                break;            case MultiPointWkb:                int pointCount = br.ReadInt32();                for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i)                {                    br = lebr.ReadByte() == 0 ? bebr : lebr;                    gtype = br.ReadInt32();                    if (gtype != PointWkb)                    {                        throw new ArgumentException(                        string.Format("Expected a type of 1, got {0}", gtype),                        "lebr");                    }                    array.Add(new JArray { br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble() });                }                break;            case MultiLineStringWkb:                int lineCount = br.ReadInt32();                for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i)                {                    br = lebr.ReadByte() == 0 ? bebr : lebr;                    gtype = br.ReadInt32();                    if (gtype != LineStringWkb)                    {                        throw new ArgumentException(                        string.Format("Expected a type of 2, got {0}", gtype),                        "lebr");                    }                    var lineArray = new JArray();                    foreach (var a in WriteLine(br))                    {                        lineArray.Add(a);                    }                    array.Add(lineArray);                }                break;            case MultiPolygonWkb:                int polygonCount = br.ReadInt32();                for (int i = 0; i < polygonCount; ++i)                {                    br = lebr.ReadByte() == 0 ? bebr : lebr;                    gtype = br.ReadInt32();                    if (gtype != PolygonWkb)                    {                        throw new ArgumentException(                        string.Format("Expected a type of 3, got {0}", gtype),                        "lebr");                    }                    var polygonArray = new JArray();                    foreach (var a in WritePolygon(br))                    {                        polygonArray.Add(a);                    }                    array.Add(polygonArray);                }                break;            default:                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unsupported geo-type {0}", gtype), "lebr");            }            jsonObject.Add("coordinates", array);        }        return jsonObject;    }    /// <summary>    /// Write a JSON polygon from well-known binary.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="br">    /// Read from this.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// The <see cref="JArray"/> enumerable for the polygon.    /// </returns>    private static IEnumerable<JArray> WritePolygon(BinaryReader br)    {        var ret = new List<JArray>();        int ringCount = br.ReadInt32();        for (int ri = 0; ri < ringCount; ++ri)        {            var array = new JArray();            foreach (var a in WriteLine(br))            {                array.Add(a);            }            ret.Add(array);        }        return ret;    }    /// <summary>    /// Write a JSON line from well-known binary.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="br">    /// Read from this.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// The <see cref="JArray"/> enumerable for the line.    /// </returns>    private static IEnumerable<JArray> WriteLine(BinaryReader br)    {        var ret = new List<JArray>();        int count = br.ReadInt32() * 2;        for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2)        {            var array = new JArray { br.ReadDouble(), br.ReadDouble() };            ret.Add(array);        }        return ret;    }    /// <summary>    /// Create a <see cref="DbGeography"/> or <see cref="DbGeometry"/> from <paramref name="jsonObject"/>.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="jsonObject">    /// The JSON object.    /// </param>    /// <param name="objectType">    /// The object type.    /// </param>    /// <returns>    /// The <see cref="DbGeography"/> or <see cref="DbGeometry"/>     /// </returns>    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">    /// <paramref name="objectType"/> is not a <see cref="DbGeography"/> or <see cref="DbGeometry"/>.    /// </exception>    private static object CreateDbGeo(JObject jsonObject, Type objectType)    {        Func<Tuple<byte[], int>, object> returnValue;        int defaultCoordinateSystemId;        if (typeof(DbGeography).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))        {            returnValue = x => (object)DbGeography.FromBinary(x.Item1, x.Item2);            defaultCoordinateSystemId = DbGeography.DefaultCoordinateSystemId;        }        else if (typeof(DbGeometry).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))        {            returnValue = x => (object)DbGeometry.FromBinary(x.Item1, x.Item2);            defaultCoordinateSystemId = DbGeometry.DefaultCoordinateSystemId;        }        else        {            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expected a DbGeography or DbGeometry objectType. Got {0}", objectType.CSharpName()), "objectType");        }        return jsonObject.Type == JTokenType.Null || jsonObject.Type == JTokenType.None ? null : returnValue(GetWellKnownBinary(jsonObject, defaultCoordinateSystemId));    }    /// <summary>    /// A <see cref="BinaryReader"/> that expects byte-reversed numeric values.    /// </summary>    public class ReverseEndianBinaryReader : BinaryReader    {        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ReverseEndianBinaryReader"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="stream">        /// The stream.        /// </param>        public ReverseEndianBinaryReader(Stream stream)        : base(stream)        {        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override short ReadInt16()        {            return BitConverter.ToInt16(this.ReadBytes(2).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override int ReadInt32()        {            return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.ReadBytes(4).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override long ReadInt64()        {            return BitConverter.ToInt64(this.ReadBytes(8).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override ushort ReadUInt16()        {            return BitConverter.ToUInt16(this.ReadBytes(2).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override uint ReadUInt32()        {            return BitConverter.ToUInt32(this.ReadBytes(4).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override ulong ReadUInt64()        {            return BitConverter.ToUInt64(this.ReadBytes(8).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override float ReadSingle()        {            return BitConverter.ToSingle(this.ReadBytes(4).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override double ReadDouble()        {            return BitConverter.ToDouble(this.ReadBytes(8).Reverse().ToArray(), 0);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// Base class for the types that know how to parse JSON and write well-known binary.    /// </summary>    public abstract class GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// The point well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] PointWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(PointWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The line-string well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] LineStringWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(LineStringWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The polygon well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] PolygonWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(PolygonWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The multi-point well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] MultiPointWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(MultiPointWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The multi-line-string well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] MultiLineStringWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(MultiLineStringWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The multi-polygon well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] MultiPolygonWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(MultiPolygonWkb);        /// <summary>        /// The collection well-known bytes descriptor.        /// </summary>        protected static readonly byte[] GeometryCollectionWkbs = BitConverter.GetBytes(GeometryCollectionWkb);        /// <summary>        /// Helper function to parse a <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="Position"/>.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="array">        /// Get JSON from this.        /// </param>        /// <returns>        /// The parsed JSON.        /// </returns>        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">        /// Unexpected JSON.        /// </exception>        public static List<Position> ParseListPosition(JArray array)        {            if (array.Cast<JArray>().Any(l => l.Count < 2))            {                throw new ArgumentException(                string.Format(                "Expected all points to have greater than two points, got {0} with zero and {1} with one",                array.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 0),                array.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 1)),                "array");            }            return array.Select(l => new Position { P1 = (double)l[0], P2 = (double)l[1] }).ToList();        }        /// <summary>        /// Helper function to parse a <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="Position"/>.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="array">        /// Get JSON from this.        /// </param>        /// <returns>        /// The parsed JSON.        /// </returns>        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">        /// Unexpected JSON.        /// </exception>        public static List<List<Position>> ParseListListPosition(JArray array)        {            if (array.Cast<JArray>().Any(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Any(l => l.Count < 2)))            {                throw new ArgumentException(                string.Format(                "Expected all points to have greater than two points, got {0} with zero and {1} with one",                array.Cast<JArray>().Sum(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 0)),                array.Cast<JArray>().Sum(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 1))),                "array");            }            return array.Select(r => r.Select(l => new Position { P1 = (double)l[0], P2 = (double)l[1] }).ToList()).ToList();        }        /// <summary>        /// Helper function to parse a <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="Position"/>.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="array">        /// Get JSON from this.        /// </param>        /// <returns>        /// The parsed JSON.        /// </returns>        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">        /// Unexpected JSON.        /// </exception>        public static List<List<List<Position>>> ParseListListListPosition(JArray array)        {            if (array.Cast<JArray>().Any(p => p.Cast<JArray>().Any(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Any(l => l.Count < 2))))            {                throw new ArgumentException(                string.Format(                "Expected all points to have greater than two points, got {0} with zero and {1} with one",                array.Cast<JArray>().Sum(p => p.Cast<JArray>().Sum(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 0))),                array.Cast<JArray>().Sum(p => p.Cast<JArray>().Sum(r => r.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 1)))),                "array");            }            return array.Select(p => p.Select(r => r.Select(l => new Position { P1 = (double)l[0], P2 = (double)l[1] }).ToList()).ToList()).ToList();        }        /// <summary>        /// Write the contents to <paramref name="sout"/> in well-known         /// binary format.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="sout">        /// The stream to write the position to.        /// </param>        public abstract void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout);        /// <summary>        /// Parse JSON into the <see cref="GeoBase"/>-derived type.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="array">        /// Get JSON from this.        /// </param>        public abstract void ParseJson(JArray array);    }    /// <summary>    /// The position.    /// </summary>    public class Position : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the first value of the position.        /// </summary>        public double P1 { get; set; }        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the second value of the position.        /// </summary>        public double P2 { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.P1), 0, 8);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.P2), 0, 8);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            if (array.Count < 2)            {                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expected at least 2 points for a position, got {0}", array.Count), "array");            }            this.P1 = (double)array[0];            this.P2 = (double)array[1];        }    }    // ReSharper disable RedundantNameQualifier    /// <summary>    /// The point.    /// </summary>    public class Point : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the position.        /// </summary>        public Position Position { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            sout.WriteByte(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);            sout.Write(GeoBase.PointWkbs, 0, 4);            this.Position.WellKnownBinary(sout);        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.Position = new Position();            this.Position.ParseJson(array);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The line string.    /// </summary>    public class LineString : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the points.        /// </summary>        public List<Point> Points { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            sout.WriteByte(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);            sout.Write(GeoBase.LineStringWkbs, 0, 4);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.Points.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var point in this.Points)            {                point.Position.WellKnownBinary(sout);            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            if (array.Cast<JArray>().Any(l => l.Count < 2))            {                throw new ArgumentException(                string.Format(                "Expected all points to have greater than two points, got {0} with zero and {1} with one",                array.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 0),                array.Cast<JArray>().Count(l => l.Count == 1)),                "array");            }            this.Points = array.Cast<JArray>().Select(l => new Point { Position = new Position { P1 = (double)l[0], P2 = (double)l[1] } }).ToList();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The polygon.    /// </summary>    public class Polygon : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the rings.        /// </summary>        public List<List<Position>> Rings { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            sout.WriteByte(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);            sout.Write(GeoBase.PolygonWkbs, 0, 4);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.Rings.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var ring in this.Rings)            {                sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(ring.Count), 0, 4);                foreach (var position in ring)                {                    position.WellKnownBinary(sout);                }            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.Rings = GeoBase.ParseListListPosition(array);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The multi-point.    /// </summary>    public class MultiPoint : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the points.        /// </summary>        public List<Position> Points { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            byte order = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;            sout.WriteByte(order);            sout.Write(GeoBase.MultiPointWkbs, 0, 4);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.Points.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var point in this.Points)            {                sout.WriteByte(order);                sout.Write(GeoBase.PointWkbs, 0, 4); // Point                point.WellKnownBinary(sout);            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.Points = GeoBase.ParseListPosition(array);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The multi-line.    /// </summary>    public class MultiLineString : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the line strings.        /// </summary>        public List<List<Position>> LineStrings { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            byte order = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;            sout.WriteByte(order);            // ReSharper disable once RedundantNameQualifier            sout.Write(GeoBase.MultiLineStringWkbs, 0, 4);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.LineStrings.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var lineString in this.LineStrings)            {                sout.WriteByte(order);                sout.Write(GeoBase.LineStringWkbs, 0, 4);                sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(lineString.Count), 0, 4);                foreach (var position in lineString)                {                    position.WellKnownBinary(sout);                }            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.LineStrings = GeoBase.ParseListListPosition(array);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The multi-polygon.    /// </summary>    public class MultiPolygon : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the polygons.        /// </summary>        public List<List<List<Position>>> Polygons { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream sout)        {            byte order = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;            sout.WriteByte(order);            sout.Write(GeoBase.MultiPolygonWkbs, 0, 4);            sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.Polygons.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var polygon in this.Polygons)            {                sout.WriteByte(order);                sout.Write(GeoBase.PolygonWkbs, 0, 4);                sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(polygon.Count), 0, 4);                foreach (var ring in polygon)                {                    sout.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(ring.Count), 0, 4);                    foreach (var position in ring)                    {                        position.WellKnownBinary(sout);                    }                }            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.Polygons = GeoBase.ParseListListListPosition(array);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// The <see cref="GeoBase"/> collection.    /// </summary>    public class Collection : GeoBase    {        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the entries.        /// </summary>        public List<GeoBase> Entries { get; set; }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void WellKnownBinary(Stream o)        {            o.WriteByte(BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);            o.Write(GeoBase.GeometryCollectionWkbs, 0, 4);            o.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.Entries.Count), 0, 4);            foreach (var entry in this.Entries)            {                entry.WellKnownBinary(o);            }        }        /// <inheritdoc/>        public override void ParseJson(JArray array)        {            this.Entries = new List<GeoBase>();            foreach (var elem in array)            {                if (elem.Type != JTokenType.Object)                {                    throw new ArgumentException(                    string.Format("Expected object elements of the collection array, got {0}", elem.Type),                    "array");                }                int? dummyCoordinateSystem;                this.Entries.Add(DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter.ParseJsonObjectToGeoBase((JObject)elem, out dummyCoordinateSystem));            }        }    }    // ReSharper restore RedundantNameQualifier}

I just implemented the complete version that @mheyman is referring to. @DiomedesDomínguez already posted a new link in comments since the original is dead but I will add it here as well.


If you have Newtonsoft.Json already installed you will need to do two things to get it working. The first thing is to download the nuget Microsoft.SqlServer.Types


To deploy an application that uses spatial data types to a machine that does not have 'System CLR Types for SQL Server' installed you also need to deploy the native assembly SqlServerSpatial140.dll. Both x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64 bit) versions of this assembly have been added to your project under the SqlServerTypes\x86 and SqlServerTypes\x64 subdirectories. The native assembly msvcr120.dll is also included in case the C++ runtime is not installed.

If you are running an web application add this to Global.asax -> Application_Start() and add this line:


If you have a desktop application use this line before any spatial data type is used:


Now everything is solved apart from a method called CSharpName() for Type. It is used like this in the example: value.GetType().CSharpName(). Even if it is only for exception handling I still like to use the complete example.

Searching for the method I found the following thread:


public static string CSharpName(this Type type){    var sb = new StringBuilder();    var name = type.Name;    if (!type.IsGenericType) return name;    sb.Append(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf('`')));    sb.Append("<");    sb.Append(string.Join(", ", type.GetGenericArguments()                                    .Select(t => t.CSharpName())));    sb.Append(">");    return sb.ToString();}

When I added this I could use the application.

You can also have a look at the following project for some more examples:


I also ended up needing to go the other way around, can be done like this:

DbGeography dbGeography = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DbGeography>(geoJson, new DbGeographyGeoJsonConverter());