Decode laravel 4 Input::json() Decode laravel 4 Input::json() json json

Decode laravel 4 Input::json()

You can use ->get() to access properties from a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag response.

$input = Input::json();$input->get('firstName')

You can also get all inputs as an array and then type cast it to an object with (object). Note that this will throw an error if your property doesn't exists, so if I where you, I would use the ->get() method mentioned above.

$input = (object)Input::all();$input->firstName;

Based on my experiment

If you are sending an array of multiple objects like the following example from the Javascript using JSON

[{crop_id: 1, test_id: 6},{crop_id: 1, test_id: 7},{crop_id: 1, test_id: 8}]

You need to use Input::json()->all() function in PHP.

$arr = Input::json()->all();$crop_id = $arr[0]['crop_id'];$test_id = $arr[0]['test_id'];