Delphi JsonTextReader fails to read values Delphi JsonTextReader fails to read values json json

Delphi JsonTextReader fails to read values

In the JSON you have shown, all of the values are strings, there are no integers. So, when you call jtr.Value.AsInteger for the message_count value, it raises a conversion exception that you are not catching. TValue.AsInteger DOES NOT perform an implicit conversion from string to integer for you.

You will have to use jtr.Value.AsString instead and convert the string to an integer using StrToInt():

if jtr.Value.ToString = 'message_count' thenbegin  jtr.Read;  //c.msg := jtr.Value.AsInteger;  c.msg := StrToInt(jtr.Value.AsString);end;

Do the same for the other "integer" values in the JSON (alerts_unread, like_count, and friend_count).