Deploying a Rails API on either Heroku/AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deploying a Rails API on either Heroku/AWS Elastic Beanstalk json json

Deploying a Rails API on either Heroku/AWS Elastic Beanstalk

The problem with heroku is that if you don't pay for a domain, and just use the base service, it will assign a subdomain for your app. So all I needed to do was to redirect heroku to a custom url such as

An easier alternative would be to override the constraints for the api on the routes.rb file:

  namespace :api, defaults: { format: :json }, path: '/api'  do

You will now be able to see the API under

Steps on how to configure Heroku for a Rails API

  1. First you need to buy a domain using any registrar, say you buy, so you can use a subdomain like Once that's done you need to tell heroku to listen to requests at This can be done easily by typing this on your cmd

    heroku domains:add
  2. After using the domains:add command you must point your DNS provider at the domain’s DNS Target supplied by Heroku. This is done by creating a CNAME entry to something like (type heroku info to get the name of your app). The above process is made simple if you use a service like DNSimple ( Basically you add a CNAME record of which points to

  3. One important thing everyone forgets once they deploy to heroku is to run the heroku run rake db:migrate command.

Once all this is done you would be able to access the api using

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