Deserialize JSON with dynamic objects Deserialize JSON with dynamic objects json json

Deserialize JSON with dynamic objects

Since this JSON is not C# friendly, I had to do a little bit of hackery to make it come out properly. However, the result is quite nice.

var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(sampleJson);var data = ((JObject);var stuff = data.Select(x => new { AreaCode = x.Path.Split('.')[1], City = x.First()["city"], State = x.Last()["state"] });

This code will generate an anonymous type that best represents the data. However, the anonymous type could be easily replaced by a ctor for a more normal DTO class.

The output looks something like this:

Deserialization Output

your json is incorrect, but if you do correct it you can use a json-to-csharp tool like the one on to generate your classes:

public class __invalid_type__201{    public string city { get; set; }    public string state { get; set; }}public class Data{    public __invalid_type__201 __invalid_name__201 { get; set; }}public class RootObject{    public bool success { get; set; }    public string message { get; set; }    public Data data { get; set; }}

I don't know anything about RestSharp, but if you're using Newtonsoft on the server side, then you can just pass a JObject to your method. Then you can interrogate the object to see what type of object it really is and use JObject.ToObject() to convert it.