Deserialize model with nested string represented json data in C# Deserialize model with nested string represented json data in C# json json

Deserialize model with nested string represented json data in C#

class Nested{  public string Name {get; set;}  public int Id {get; set;}}class Model{  [JsonProperty]  public string N {     get {         return JsonConverter.DeserializeObject<Nested>(Nested);      }      set{        Nested = JsonConverter.SerializeObject(value);     }  }  // Use this in your code  [JsonIgnore]  public Nested Nested {get;set;}  public string Name {get; set;}  public int Id {get; set;}}

I had similar issues but in the opposite direction (due to the EF proxies and that stuff, a long history)

But I'd say that this could be a good hint for you, I did this in my startup, on ConfigureServices method:

// Add framework =>         {             // In order to avoid infinite loops when using Include<>() in repository queries             options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;         }); 

I hope it helps you to solve your issue.


you can serialize it yourself with your own code, using Runtime.Serialization

something like this

[Serializable]class Model{  [JsonProperty]  public Nested N {get; set;}  public string Name {get; set;}  public int Id {get; set;} protected Model(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)        {            Name = info.GetString("Name");            Id = info.GetInt32("Id");            try {            child = (Model)info.GetValue("N", typeof(Model));        }       catch (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException ex)        {            // value N not found         }        catch (ArgumentNullException ex)        {            // shouldn't reach here, type or name is null         }        catch (InvalidCastException ex)        {            // the value N doesn't match object type in this case (Model)        }        }}

once you use Model class as your parameter it will automatically use this serializer we just did.