Does case matter when 'auto' loading data from S3 into a Redshift table? [duplicate] Does case matter when 'auto' loading data from S3 into a Redshift table? [duplicate] json json

Does case matter when 'auto' loading data from S3 into a Redshift table? [duplicate]

Redshift COPY command from S3 data using the 'auto' switch is indeed case sensitive for JSON. I took one of the gzipped JSON files, switched everything to lowercase, rezipped it, nuked the table and used the same copy command and it worked fine.

There does not appear to be any way to enforce redshift to use camelCase for some column names. I used double quotes to create the columns and redshift still coerces them into lower case.

Redshift changes all the column names to lower case names (irrespective of what case you use while defining the table). So, in your case only the fields with only lower case names are getting loaded.