Dynamic Chart with JSON data - CanvasJS Dynamic Chart with JSON data - CanvasJS json json

Dynamic Chart with JSON data - CanvasJS

You were not intreating correctly over data due to which you were getting y:null and x:NaN.

Content inside data is array of objects inside an array i.e. [[{}, {}, {}...]]so you need to iterate accordingly.

Use this code:

  data.forEach(function(array) {    array.forEach(function(arrayItem) {      dataPoints.push({        y: new Date(arrayItem.source_ts),        x: Number(arrayItem.renewablesobligationconsumption)      });    });  });

Below is complete working example. Now your dataPoints is ready, you can use it anywhere you want:

// Fetching the datafetch('https://appbe-dev.clearvuesystems.co.uk/demandForecast/getLiveLineDataEverySecRestApi').then(response => {  return response.json();}).then(data => {  // Generating Data Points  var dataPoints = [];  data.forEach(function(array) {    array.forEach(function(arrayItem) {      dataPoints.push({        y: new Date(arrayItem.source_ts),        x: Number(arrayItem.renewablesobligationconsumption)      });    });  });   console.log(dataPoints);  var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {    data: [{      dataPoints: dataPoints,      type: "line",    }]  });  chart.render();}).catch(err => {  throw new Error('Impossible to get data');});
<br/><!-- Just so that JSFiddle's Result label doesn't overlap the Chart --><div id="chartContainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;"></div>